Im a new iPad owner and one of the uses that I have is to remote-control Windows machines, both at work and at home.
Ive looked at a couple of apps--I like Mocha RDP Lite and PocketCloud--but Bamtoos Remote Desktop app is the best value.
Ive had no trouble connecting to Windows XP Pro computers and the only trouble I had with Windows 7 Home Premium is Microsofts fault (disabling RDP, but theres a patch for that).
I am sure that some people will complain that the banner ad in the free version is annoying, but thats the point, isnt it? Just pay the $0.99 and its gone forever. You dont even have to download a new version or lose any settings. Perfect!
Performance of the app is good, but Im using it on internal networks, so it should be. There is good access to the Windows special keys and key combinations. I like being able to force the keyboard to appear-I couldnt do that in some other apps.
The interface and configuration is clean and easy. I stumbled a bit trying to modify and delete configurations, but thats because Im an iPad noob.
Summary: Works. Cheap. Great value.
RJS105 about Remote Desktop - Universal App